Knowledge exchange on the topic of biogas


On 22 March 2024, a knowledge exchange on the topic of biogas took place, organized by enviMV e.V. The event was held online via Teams and covered the development, legal framework and technical information on the local production of biogas. 

Dr. Peter Kornatz from the DBFZ gave an introduction to the use of biogas, highlighted the development in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Germany as well as future potential for agricultural businesses. The legal framework was then explained. 

Dr. Markus Piechotka from mele Biogas GmbH presented minimum technical standards and operational requirements for biogas plants as well as details on local production, including differences between plants for renewable raw materials and small-scale biogas slurry plants. The event ended with discussion rounds on each topic to promote the exchange of knowledge and clarify open questions.

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