BePacMan Better Paper Packaging Mangement

The paper industry, as one of the largest industries in the world, has a centre of gravity in Europe. In this context, the South Baltic region also occupies a prominent position. It is responsible for around 70% of total European paper production and exports a significant proportion of its packaging products. Used millions of times over and generally after a single use, they are either disposed of or end up in various branches of the paper industry, depending on the fibre quality and degree of recycling.

Paper and cardboard packaging is used in all sectors of the economy. In sectors where trade takes place and deliveries are therefore required, it is globally indispensable, especially in the form of cardboard packaging. However, reuse can not only be an economic incentive for small and medium-sized companies, but also has enormous potential for reducing the volume of urban PPC waste.


Project targets

The aim of the project is to extend the life of cardboard, paper and cardboard packaging (PPK) in order to promote reuse and thus the circular economy. The project focuses on the development of innovative and sustainable business models with adapted logistics concepts. To this end, the project partners from Germany, Poland, Lithuania and Denmark will exchange ideas with key players such as retailers/e-commerce, consumers, logistics and technology providers and political decision-makers. In this way, economically and ecologically sustainable PPK packaging systems are to be developed. 

A comprehensive as-is analysis to evaluate the current recycling situation in the project region is essential in order to identify existing potential. The analysis of the political framework conditions examines the scope for action at national and EU level for the implementation of developed strategies. In addition, scenarios for the establishment of new practices will be developed and their benefits for users identified. Another starting point is the end consumer level, which is to be included in the recycling of paper packaging through consumer-friendly collection and disposal options.

The BePacMan (Better Paper Packaging Management) project is part of the Interreg South Baltic program and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). 

Funding period: 01 July 2024 - 30 June 2027


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